Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

150529 MR Australia Week cooking demonstration

Cooking classes and nutrition talk in Australia Week

Australia Week will offer a unique opportunity to connect PNG and Australia through food with a cooking demonstration and nutrition talk at Gerehu Market from noon on Friday 29 May.

The event will showcase cooking techniques and recipes for making meals using local ingredients bought at the market while highlighting the nutritional benefits of traditional vegetables.

It will also launch recipe cards which provide a range of simple, nutritious recipes using traditional vegetables and a pictorial guide to their nutritional value.

The demonstration by staff from World Vision, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) and UN Safe Cities is part of a project funded by Australia in PNG and Northern Australia.

The project, “Promoting traditional vegetable production and consumption for improved livelihoods in PNG and Northern Australia”, involves communities in both countries which face similar problems with limited access to fresh vegetables and declining consumption of traditional vegetables, which are often high in essential nutrients.

In PNG, the project works with growers and women’s groups in Port Moresby, Morobe and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to increase availability and access to traditional vegetables and awareness of the health benefits of the produce.

Australia Week is proud to present the cooking class and nutrition talk in conjunction with Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, PNG National Agricultural Research Institute, World Vision and UN Safe Cities. The recipe cards and nutrition information will also be available at Vision City on Sunday 31 May at 11am and through on the High Commission website at

The cooking demonstration is one of 19 events in Australia Week, from 28 May to 3 June, connecting and forging collaborations between Papua New Guinean and Australian youth through film, music, sport, food and debate. For more information on the Australia Week program of events visit the Australian High Commission Facebook page.