Welcome to the website of the Australian High Commission in Papua New Guinea. We hope you find this website useful and informative.
Australia is a close friend and partner of PNG. Our relationship is strong on many levels. It is born of history and geography and covers the full range of bilateral interests. Close partnerships exist between governments, businesses and people in both countries.
The Australian Government shares a common aspiration for a stable and prosperous Papua New Guinea. Our assistance is designed to help the PNG Government achieve its key development goals.
Australia itself is a stable, democratic and multi-cultural society with a strong competitive economy and a tradition of scientific and innovative excellence. The quality of life enjoyed by people in Australia is one of the highest in the world. This website contains more information for people interested in going to Australia.
We would like to encourage all Australian citizens and permanent residents in PNG to subscribe to receive travel advice updates by visiting www.smartraveller.gov.au. Australian citizens and permanent residents in PNG can also connect with Smartraveller on Facebook and Twitter.
What's New
From Australia Day to Independence Day and beyond: A year of celebration
By John Feakes
Australian High Commissioner to PNG
26 January marks Australia Day – Australia's national day. It’s a day where we take the opportunity to understand where we’ve been so that we can shape where we want to go. On Australia Day, we take stock of who we are as a nation, recognising our achievements, embracing our national identity and welcoming new Australians while honouring those who have contributed to building Australia, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
As Australia’s High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, I am both humbled and privileged to reflect on the meaning of Australia Day and its relevance in the context of the enduring bond between our two nations. In 2025, this reflection carries resonance as Papua New Guinea approaches an historic milestone: the 50th anniversary of its independence on 16 September 2025.
In 2025, we celebrate together as neighbours, friends and partners in our region. No relationship is as close and important to Australia as our relationship is with PNG. And in this year, celebrating PNG’s 50th anniversary of independence, we are reminded further of our shared history and shared future.
Read more here

Caption: Australia and PNG are the nearest of neighbours and closest of friends. Prime Minister James Marape and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese walking side by side and step by step on the Kokoda Track in April 2024.
Latest news​
PNGAusPartnership News:
AFP incinerates 500kg of cocaine seized after alleged PNG import attempt, 04 December 2024
- Australian High Commission launches Community Justice Fund to boost local justice in PNG, 21 November 2024
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