5 July 2013
Australia helping PNG to deliver Local Level Government elections
Australia is stepping up assistance for the PNG Local Level Government Elections as voting begins on Saturday in much of the country.
Two Australian officials are working under the direction of the PNG Electoral Commission (PNGEC) to support logistics and distribution of more than 24 tonnes electoral material throughout the country.
Head of Australian Aid in PNG, Stuart Schaefer, said the officials would help PNGEC staff with the significant challenges of transporting election material.
“The specialists deployed through the Australian Civilian Corps are experts in logistics and procurement and their support will assist the delivery of ballot papers, ballot boxes and other election material to the country’s districts,” Mr Schaefer said.
The Australian Civilian Corps is comprised of highly skilled Australian specialists, chosen for their experience in development contexts and challenging environments and their ability to deploy quickly.
Australia is also providing approximately K8 million in assistance through the Electoral Support Program to support the PNGEC’s delivery of the Local Level Government Elections.
In the lead-up to voting, Australia’s assistance includes support for the Assistant Election Managers, civic awareness, and for disability-friendly enrolment and polling locations.
Mr Schaefer said Australia supported the PNGEC and PNG disability groups to help people with disability to participate at all stages of the election process.
“So far Australia has helped 300 people with disability enrol to vote in the LLG elections. These people may otherwise have missed out on an opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote,” Mr Schaefer said.
Australia has worked with PNG’s Office for the Development of Women to develop the Campaign Handbook – a Guide for Women Candidates in the 2013 LLG Elections.
The handbook includes practical information to help potential candidates understand the role of LLG Councillors and Presidents, election laws, strategy and campaigning.