25 July 2013
Scoping work begins on fast-tracked infrastructure projects in Lae and Madang
Senior officials from AusAID and the Government of PNG have travelled to Lae to begin scoping work on two infrastructure projects that Prime Ministers Peter O’Neill and Kevin Rudd agreed to fast-track on 19 July.
The delegation, including AusAID health experts, has started scoping work for the upgrade to Lae Hospital. The team met the hospital Board and inspected capital works requirements.
Today the officials and engineers will drive to Madang to conduct an assessment of capital works requirements for the upgrade to the Ramu Highway. This scoping work is being jointly conducted with the Department of Works.
Work is also underway to scope the development of the Lower Courts Complex in Port Moresby. Senior AusAID officers met with the Chief Magistrate on Monday to discuss a draft Terms of Reference for the project.
AusAID’s Head of Aid to PNG, Mr Stuart Schaefer, said that the acceleration of work on these important projects was a demonstration of the strong partnership between Australia and PNG.
“Since 2008 Australia and PNG have jointly agreed all priorities for Australia’s assistance through the framework of the PNG-Australia Partnership for Development.
“Our program is directed to the jointly agreed priorities of the Partnership – health, education, law and justice and infrastructure.”