Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

MR 071002 Helicopters


2 October 2007

For immediate release

Australian Army helicopter pilots to train in PNG


Australian Army helicopters will be conducting training activities in Papua New Guinea starting this week, with full authorization from the PNG Government.

The training, which will take place from 2 October to 7 November 2007, is designed to help Australian Army helicopter pilots maintain their skills.

The training program, named Exercise HELICON LUK, was last carried out in PNG in 2005, again with approval from the PNG Government.

A spokesperson for the Australian High Commission said: “The Australian High Commission and the Australian Army understand that some PNG residents might be concerned if they observe these military helicopter flights.

“We would like to stress that this training is occurring with the full knowledge and approval of PNG authorities so there is absolutely no need for concern whatsoever.”

Four Australian Army Blackhawk helicopters and two Chinook helicopters will be based in Madang and conduct training flights over Madang in Madang Province and also in Eastern Highlands Province, mostly within 20 nautical miles of Goroka.

Provincial Administrations in Madang Province and Eastern Highlands Province have been advised when and where the training will take place and fully briefed on the purpose of the activities: to consolidate the skills of Australian Army pilots.

Residents in these provinces can expect to see these helicopters flying during daylight hours throughout the period 4 October to 5 November.

In addition, residents in Central, Oro and Morobe Provinces may see the Blackhawk helicopters on 4 and 5 October as they make their way to Madang.

Residents in Western, Gulf and Eastern Highlands Provinces may see the Chinook helicopters as they make their way to Madang on 16 October.

The aircraft will return to Australia, following the same respective routes from 2-4 November.


Media Inquiries: Leigh Arnold, Public Diplomacy Manager, T: 325 9333 ext 275