Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

MR 080206 Churches


6 February 2008

For immediate release

Australian High Commissioner addresses historic gathering of PNG church leaders


The Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, His Excellency Mr Chris Moraitis, today addressed an historic gathering of senior leaders of PNG’s seven mainline churches.

Mr Moraitis was speaking at the PNG Church Leaders Forum, being held from 5-7 February at Don Bosco Retreat Centre in Port Moresby.

The forum will see PNG’s seven mainline church leaders looking at development issues and addressing such challenges as the need for high level collaboration between churches, the work of various church groups, and working more closely with the government on development issues.

“I understand that this is the first time leaders at this level have come together to look at development challenges,” said Mr Moraitis.

“With the church playing such a major role in the lives of Papua New Guineans it makes this an extremely important gathering.”

Mr Moraitis talked about Australia’s work with the Church Partnership Program (CPP) in PNG in relation to development and how this program was having a significant impact on PNG’s development.

“Since 2005, Australia, through AusAID, has supported the Church Partnership Program,” Mr Moraitis said.

“This funding has been used to improve services delivered by PNG churches to local communities, to strengthen PNG churches institutional capacity for development, and to enhance PNG church involvement in improving governance.”

The Mid Term Review of the partnership last year highlighted the importance of church engagement and consultation with national and provincial government stakeholders.

“The challenge for churches now is to seek and build upon constructive engagement and dialogue with government at all levels,” said Mr Moraitis.

“This could include using common information and reporting systems across sectors so that governments have the best possible picture of services being delivered so they can plan and manage resources accordingly.”

The Church leaders include Reverend Samson Lowa, Moderator of the United Church and Chairman of the Papua New Guinea Council of Churches; Rev. Dr. Bishop Wesley Kigasung, Head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; Bishop Francesco Sarego, Chairman of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference; Arch Bishop James Ayong, Head of the Bishop Anglican Church; Commissioner Andrew Kalai Territorial Commander of the Salvation Army; Pastor Neone Okesene, General Secretary of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and Mr. Patrick Gaiyer, President of the Baptist Union PNG.


Media Inquiries: AusAID Public Affairs, Ph: 325 9333 ext 304, ext 471