Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

MR 080325 Human Rights

Media Release

25 March 2008

For immediate release

Morobe campaign for attitude change towards violence in the home


Working with Morobe’s legal fraternity, police, teachers, government employees and church elders on strategies to handle issues relating to domestic and sexual violence will be the focus for the next twelve months of the Lae branch of Soroptimists International.

Soroptomist Clubs through the South West Pacific Federation established the Women’s and Children’s Support Centre, with the Angau Memorial General Hospital providing office space. An Australian Government Human Rights grant of K85, 000 will contribute towards the centre’s operation.

“We are seeing a lot more women coming through the door, that is not to say there is a spate of violence in the homes of Lae,” said PNG National Representative of Soroptimist International, Jane Kenni.

“Women are more aware of their rights and say they feel more comfortable speaking out now. They realise there is a place they can safely and confidently come to for help, that for us is a major breakthrough.”

The Women’s and Children’s Support Centre offers medical services, forensic examinations, trauma and follow-up counselling and legal services to women and children who have suffered from sexual or domestic violence. The grant will also assist with travel and accommodation costs to bring together groups identified as influential in changing attitudes towards violence in the home.

“We have achieved a lot in the area of human rights in getting women to know they can safely speak out about injustices. Our next step is to work with police, magistrates and those working with the legal services to ensure that appropriate punishment is handed out for perpetrators of violent crimes, ”said Ms Kenni.

“This grant is providing basic support services to women and children in the Morobe Province, said Head of AusAID in PNG, Margaret Thomas.

“It is a grass-roots initiative and an effective way of increasing the understanding of international human rights norms, such as gender equality, freedom of expression and the rights of children and people with disabilities,” said Ms Thomas.

This project will complement the development assistance work of Australia’s aid program and give tangible support to Australia’s international human rights efforts.


For information on the work of Soroptimists in Lae please contact: PNG National Representative of Soroptimist International, Jane Kenni 472 1811/ 689 2274