Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

MR 090304 Assistance for Bougainville


Wednesday, 4 March 2009

For Immediate Release

Australian assistance for Bougainville rehabilitation and education

Australia’s support to Bougainville received a boost during the visit of Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs, Hon Duncan Kerr SC, with the announcement today of additional funding to services for women and children through the work of local identity, Sister Lorraine Garasu, and her rehabilitation centre.

This centre has played a major role in supporting the women and children of Bougainville in the wake of Bougainville’s troubles.

Australia will provide $567,000 to enable the centre to replace current buildings made from bush materials with permanent structures including houses, classrooms, a training centre and an administration building.

“This is truly remarkable work being done by a truly remarkable woman,” said Mr Kerr.

Sister Lorraine set up the centre in 2001 assisting women and children who were victims of violence. Over time the centre has expanded its services to provide trauma counselling, therapy, life skills training – including income generation activities – a youth harmonisation programme and awareness training on gender based violence and human rights.

“The work here is a microcosm of the Millennium Development Goals focusing in key areas such as health, education and gender - all of which are part our development program. So I am very pleased that we can assist Sister Lorraine and her centre.”

The centre also provides peacemaking, conflict resolution and peace building skills to communities recovering from the Bougainville Crisis.

During his visit, Mr Kerr also announced $180,000 in funding to upgrade water and sanitation facilities at the Bishop Wade Secondary School in Bougainville.

“Australia is working to assist the PNG and the Autonomous Bougainville Governments in key areas such as education to get more children into school and provide them with a good education which is well supported by resources and infrastructure”, he said.